I’m a native Texan who grew up on a small ranch in the Rio Grande Valley. After graduating magna cum laude in psychology from Princeton University I chose to dedicate my career to helping people maximize their potential for fulfillment and joy. Toward that goal, I earned a doctorate in clinical psychology from Baylor University. I went on to complete a competitive postdoctoral residency in South Texas Veterans Health Care System, where I trained in the areas of trauma psychology and health psychology. I have since practiced in a variety of inpatient and outpatient clinical settings, including many that serve active duty military personnel and veterans. My clinical interests include trauma and stressor-related disorders. I love helping people wake up, rise above the stress, and really start living again. Memento vivere!
As a clinical psychologist, I have training and experience in conducting psychological evaluation. This means that I’m skilled at conceptualizing, using a variety of psychological tools and methods, the nature of the problem. For my clients, this translates to an accurate diagnosis and a more efficient therapy process or, in some cases, an appropriate referral. I don’t like wasting your time or mine! If I can’t help you, I’ll try to connect you with someone who can. If I believe that my services are a good fit with your current needs, I will offer a time-limited, evidence-based intervention. This means that you will know, before starting, the duration of the intervention. Additionally, you will have the confidence of starting a treatment that is backed by scientific evidence.